November 2017 – The Carragher Chronicles


Dear Praying Friends,

Debbie and I want to start this letter by wishing you a very Merry Christmas!  You hold a dear place in our hearts and are among the Lord’s greatest gifts to us.  We will never comprehend how much the Lord loves us and how He uses each of you to be faithful to our ministry.  Thank you for holding our ropes!

“And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.” ~Luke 1:14

There are so many of our heroes who seek joy and long to rejoice.  Unfortunately, most have no concept about their Savior.  We are thankful the Lord has called us to share the good news with them and our commitment to you is that we will do everything we can with the Lord’s help to reach them.  This year the president mentioned that over 30% of our military are deployed throughout the world.  We are thankful for your willingness to serve and join in praying for them.

Since our last prayer letter we have been very busy. We were able to work with fifteen of our missionary families.  It is so sweet to see how the Lord is using them and the work He has done in their lives.  We traveled to two Bible Colleges, worked on two military bases and participated in Operation Las Vegas.  We have dedicated this month’s Armor Bearer to that operation.

Since our last prayer letter we offer the following praises:

  • For two couples applying for service with AFBM.
  • For five souls that came to the saving knowledge of their Savior.
  • For Operation Las Vegas and the lives touched.
  • For the Drew Mahaney missionary family reporting to Armed Forces Baptist Church in Waegwon, South Korea.
  • For two new churches reaching out to those with PTSD.
  • For the YouTube classes now available at We had to reload the videos due to a recent YouTube size requirement.  Please log on to help increase viewership again.  The last load was up to 188,000 views.

Please contact us if there is anything at all we can do for you.  We love all of you in the Lord and look forward to when we can fellowship again.  Thank again for always being there for us with your prayers and your support.

May the Lord bless your faithfulness,

Doug & Debbie Carragher