September 2018 – The Carragher Chronicles
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” ~Ephesians 5:20~
Dear Supporters,
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
As we prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we always take extra time to thank the Lord for each of you. Thank you for holding the rope for us; your steadfast grip is life-changing. The Lord is using all of you for His glory in our lives.
Since our last prayer letter, the Lord has allowed us the opportunity to teach at two PTSD camps and a PTSD workshop, speaking to over 100 people. During that time, we met seven veterans and two abused females who were suicidal. I’m thankful to report that the Lord has helped each of these precious people to see His love and plans for their lives, including the reality that this plan never includes self-murder. This ministry remains very fruitful.
Our AFBM annual training was a success with 25 missionary families in attendance. What a blessing to hear how the Lord is using each family. In addition, four new missionary families were in attendance.
We are honored to share the following praises since our last letter:
- 12 salvations since our last letter–Nine at camps and 3 on visitation.
- For Debbie, last month she had her left knee scoped. The healing was quick and she was traveling with me the following month.
- For our faithful supporters.
- For the Wounded Spirits ministry training people from over 100 churches, and for 5 new chartered churches.
- For successful PTSD camps and workshops in Louisiana, New Hampshire, and North Carolina.
Prayer Request:
- For Christ to have the preeminence in all we do. May our lives bring Him honor and glory.
- For our heroes and their families. May the Lord save them and bring them to a Bible-believing church.
- For our family’s spiritual and physical health.
- For new missionary families to reach bases without a solid witness.
- For my shoulder reconstruction surgery on November 13th.
- For a greater outreach and open doors to our active military and veterans.
- For the Lord’s leading as I finish my next PTSD book.
- For Doug II’s and Daniel’s continued good health.
Thank you again for you faithfulness to our ministry. We always feel overwhelmed by your love. With the Lord’s help, we will do everything we can to continue to earn your trust.
For those interested, you can now purchase AFBM and Wounded Spirits clothing online at their respective websites.
Your servants, Doug and Debbie Carragher